Virology [308]

Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti
Molecular mechanisms of multiplication of Pneumoviruses M3P
I am a virologist with a special interest in the study of the fundamental mechanisms of virus multiplication and their links to human health. I have a dual medical and scientific background that allows […]

Structural biology of infectious diseases
Pablo Guardado-Calvo

Microseek: A Metagenomic Pipeline for Virus Diagnostic and Discovery
Marc Eloit

Umberto Palatini
I am interested in tropical and emerging infectious diseases spread by arthropod vectors, with a emphasis on arboviruses. Mosquito competence for arboviruses is a complex and evolving phenotype that depends on the interaction between […]

Said Mougari
Lyssavirus epidemiology and neuropathology

Thomas Vial
Insect Infection & Immunity
I’m currently a postdoctoral researcher in the Insect Immunity & Infection group within the Virology Department and the Insect-Virus Interactions Unit. We aim to understand the interactions between Aedes aegypti mosquitoes and the arboviruses they transmit to […]

Tropism, pathogenesis and vector competence characterization of the African Alphavirus Babanki
Valérie Choumet

Human Disease Models core facility
Mathilde Dusseaux

Miguel Gomez-Raya-Vilanova
Archaeal Virology

Anvita Bhargava

Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory
Pierre Charneau

Symphony A5 – Cytometer • BD
Flow Cytometry Platform
Evolutionary Mechanisms underlying Yellow fever Resurgence in Africa – ANR JCJC
Etienne Simon-Loriere

Angeliki-Anna Beka
Hepacivirus-host interactions