Public health research and clinical research [486]

Daniel Isabey
Daniel ISABEYINSERM UMR 955 Eq13 – CNRS ERL 7240Institut Mondor de Recherche BiomédicaleEquipe Biomécanique & Appareil Respiratoire:une approche multi-échellesFaculté de Médecine (3ème étage, porte 3012)8 rue du Général Sarrail94010 Créteil, FRANCE Tél (direct) : […]

The Healthy Human Global Project
Susceptibility to infections, disease progression and severity, and response to medical therapies and vaccines are highly variable from one individual to another. The complexity of individual immune responses is such that it has not […]

The Southeast Asia encephalitis project
An integrative approach to understand and fight infectious encephalitis in children An encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the central nervous system associated with neurologic dysfunction. The most common etiologies are infections by […]

Jennifer Fatni
Holding a Master’s degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Paris, Jennifer Fatni worked for the Center for Global Health as Communications and Education projects Officer from July 2015 to July 2017.

Cyanobacterial bioactive compounds
Muriel Gugger

Collection of Cyanobacteria
Muriel Gugger

Viruses of Respiratory Infections (including Influenza and SARS-CoV-2)
Sorry, this entry is only available in FR.

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic bacterial disease found predominantly in impoverished populations inhabiting developing countries with tropical climates. Rodents are the main reservoir of the disease, excreting the bacteria in their urine. Humans are usually […]

Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae complex
The French National Reference Center for diphtheria (officially: the NRC for Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae complex; web pages in French) operates under the mandate of Public Health France (Santé publique France). Its missions are to diagnose […]

Whooping Cough and other Bordetella infections
Please follow the link hereafter for a description of the National Reference Center in French

Bioinformatics of genome sequencing applied to epidemiological surveillance of infectious agents
Sylvain Brisse

1,000 healthy donors

Investigation and volunteers for human health
Hélène Laude

Clinical Research Coordination Office
Nathalie Jolly

Natacha Teissier
Inserm U1141 “Physiopathologie et neuroprotection des atteintes du cerveau en développement ” Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris Otorhinolaryngology Department, Pediatric ENT department Hôpital Robert Debré, 48, Bd Sérurier, 75019 Paris