Cell shape [66]

Raphaël Etournay
Cochlear development and therapeutic perspectives
My undergraduate education in both biology and applied physics naturally aroused my scientific interest in biological questions at the interface of physics and biology. For example, understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms driving tissue […]

Daria Bonazzi
Pathogenesis of vascular infections
My current research focuses on the role of mechanical forces during bacterial infection and their consequences on bacterial physiology and tissue function. This is organized around 3 main axes: 1. Impact of infection on […]

Christine Petit

Group: Trypanosome transmission
Brice Rotureau

Progressive Sensory Disorders, PathoPhysiology and Therapy
Aziz El Amraoui

Cytoskeleton, immunological synapse and T cell activation: role of Ezrin and Adenomatous polyposis coli
Andres Alcover

Biology and Genetics of Bacterial Cell Wall
Ivo Gomperts Boneca

Brain plasticity
Pauline Speder

Epithelial morphogenesis
François Schweisguth

Imaging and mathematical modelling of cell morphology and motility

Color image analysis in histology
Vannary Meas-Yedid Hardy

Lydie Couturier
Virus and cellular stress
I joined the Institut Pasteur in 2008 as a fly research technician and currently holds a Pasteur engineer position. Prior to this, I was a CNRS technician working at the Fly Functional Genomics facility […]

Samy Gobaa
Biomaterials and Microfluidics
Samy Gobaa, PhD obtained his doctorate from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Zurich (ETHZ) where he worked on elucidating structure-function relationships in large polymeric proteins. He then worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the […]

Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Arnaud Echard

Pauline Speder
Structures and signals in the neurogenic niche
I was born and bred in sunny Nice, France. I did my PhD at the Institut de Biologie Valrose, under the supervision of Dr. Stéphane Noselli. I investigated the establishement of the left-right axis […]