Cancer biology [103]

Ludovic Deriano

Cellular plasticity and Ageing
Han Li

Color image analysis in histology
Vannary Meas-Yedid Hardy

Chemogenomic and Biological Screening Platform (PF-CCB)
Fabrice Agou

Imène Najjar
Biomics – Support-Lab
. In 2007, I obtained a PhD degree in Cellular Biology and Biotechnology from the University of Denis Diderot at Paris where I was interested in the molecular mechanisms of cell death and cell […]

Hafida Fsihi
The “Mother and Child Health” cross-disciplinary transversal program

Lydie Couturier
Virus and cellular stress
I joined the Institut Pasteur in 2008 as a fly research technician and currently holds a Pasteur engineer position. Prior to this, I was a CNRS technician working at the Fly Functional Genomics facility […]

Valérie Michel
Group: Infection, Genotoxicity and Cancer

Marine Oberkampf De Dabrun
Immunobiology and Therapy

Hélène Laude
Investigation and volunteers for human health
Hélène Laude is the head of the ICAReB-Clin investigation platform from the Institut Pasteur since September 2023. She holds a doctorate in medicine from the Université Paris Descartes, a Master’s degree in Immunology (Institut […]

Patricia Jeannin
Group: Cell Biology and Viral Infection
Patricia Jeannin is graduated in virology (Master of science in medical virology) She work in Pasteur Institute since 2003. Patricia Jeannin takes part to the diagnostic of flu viruses in influenza CNR (Immunology : ELISA… […]

Sophie Dulauroy
Microenvironment and Immunity

Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Arnaud Echard

Marie-Louise Michel

Pauline Speder
Structures and signals in the neurogenic niche
I was born and bred in sunny Nice, France. I did my PhD at the Institut de Biologie Valrose, under the supervision of Dr. Stéphane Noselli. I investigated the establishement of the left-right axis […]