Origins and dynamics of oral dysbiosis associated with environmental enteric dysfunction. Preventive intervention in Central African infants.
Objectives and research hypothesis
Considering that the presence of oropharyngeal pathobionts in the duodenum and the gut is associated with stunting, our research hypothesis postulates that an oral hygienic preventive intervention might prevent the physio-pathological modifications of the oral flora leading to oral and gut dysbiosis associated with stunting. This might translate into reduced stunting rates and better growth patterns among these infants.
1. The primary objective of the Afribiota2 study is to demonstrate by a clinical intervention on a specifically-designed trial established in Bangui (CAR), that educating the families to implement sustained rules of oral and nasopharyngeal hygiene will significantly prevent or reverse stunting; 2. The secondary objective is to investigate the oral cavity as a microbiological hub, whose qualitative and quantitative alterations may impact on the future of child’s health. This will encompass fine description and monitoring of the oral and stool microbiome assembly (including the virome) and dynamics from birth, including key determinants of its ecological successions, like maternal and child hygiene, antibiotic use, and nutrition (including breastfeeding); 3. The third objective is to nucleate the conditions for the development of a global program of education to oral health in the CAR which could be subsequently implemented on other LMICs.