Archaea [71]

Labex GIL: Methanobrevibacter and Veillonella crosstalk with the intestinal mucosa in the context of health and inflammation
Simonetta Gribaldo

DNA replication group
Ludovic Sauguet

Miguel Gomez-Raya-Vilanova
Archaeal Virology

Emergence(s) project MEMREMA: Membrane remodeling in Archaea
Mart Krupovic

Leonardo Betancurt
DNA replication group
I currently work at the “Architecture and dynamics of biological macromolecules” lab at Pasteur Institute. We use molecular biology and biochemical tools to study the shape and function of polymerases.

Courtney Thomas
Courtney is a microbial ecologist. She obtained her Masters in Marine Microbial Ecology from the University of Georgia (USA). She is currently investigating archaea that inhabit the animal intestinal microbiome.

Najwa Taib
Expertise group : PAGE – Protein And Gene Evolution
After a PhD in bioinformatics and microbial ecology, I joined the team of C. Brochier-Armanet (Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive) for a 2 years postdoc to study the deep evolution history of Archaea […]

Michael Connor
Chromatin and Infection

Virginija Cvirkaite-Krupovic
Archaeal Virology

ANR-Arch-Evol: Phylogenomic approaches to investigate the origin and evolution of the Archaea
Simonetta Gribaldo • Céline Brochier-Armanet

Pierre Lechat

EVOMOBIL-ERC Grant Agreement no. 340440 Co-evolution of viruses, plasmids and cells in Archaea: pattern and process
Patrick Forterre

Cell Biology of Archaea
Research conducted by the CBA group is deeply rooted in the biology of Archaea, which are microorganisms discovered in 1977 by Carl Woese. In the tree of life, the Archaea constitute a new domain […]

Guillaume Borrel
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Guillaume has been a post-doctoral researcher funded by a Roux fellowship of the Institut Pasteur (2015-2017). Since January 2018 he has a permanent research position at the Institut Pasteur. His project focuses on the diversity […]