Members [All]
Signaling and receptors dynamics
Gaël MoneronPermanent Researcher -
Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)
Florian RuckerlResearch Engineer -
Alessandro BarriPost-doc
Translational Mycology
Alexandre AlanioPermanent Researcher -
Translational Mycology
Marie Desnos-OllivierDeputy Director of National Reference Center -
Translational Mycology
Dea Garcia-HermosoResearch Engineer -
Translational Mycology
Olivier LortholaryDeputy Director of National Reference Center -
Françoise DromerFull Professor -
Eveline SneldersPost-doc
Invasive Mycoses and Antifungals
Karine Boukris-SitbonClinical Research Assistant -
Biomics – Support-Lab
Marc MonotHead of Facility -
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes
Nicolas KintPost-doc -
Group: Isabelle Martin-Verstraete
Isabelle Martin-VerstraeteGroup Leader -
Pathogenesis of Bacterial Anaerobes
Bruno DupuyHead of Structure -
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Frédérique Vernel-PauillacResearch Engineer -
Stroma, Inflammation and Tissue Repair
Lucie PedutoHead of Structure -
Stroma, Inflammation and Tissue Repair
Selene Di CarloResearch Engineer -
U1224 – Regulation of homeostasis and inflammation by lymphoid cells and microenvironment
Gérard EberlHead of Structure -
Dynamics of Host-Pathogen Interactions
Jost EnningaHead of Structure -
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Stéphane FremontPermanent Researcher