Shazzad Hossain Mukit
Isabelle Conclois
Insect-Virus Interactions
I am a lab manager and technician.
Catherine Lallemand
Insect-Virus Interactions
I am a laboratory assistant in charge of the mosquito insectary.
Myriam Taisne
Humoral Immunology
Nicolas Gangneux
Microbial Individuality and Infection
Noémie Berenger-Currias
Edith Ollivier
Cellular plasticity in age-related pathologies
Valérie Lorin
Humoral Immunology
Nadine Delarue
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Murielle Rocancourt
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Damien Mornico
Expertise group : SysBio – System Bioinformatics
Graduated in “Structural Genomics and Bioinformatics”, I mainly worked during almost 6 years at the Genoscope (CEA) in the LABGeM team, within the microbial annotation platform MicroScope. I specifically focused on functional annotation and […]
Stevenn Volant
Expertise group : Stats
After a diploma of statistician engineer from the Ensai (Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l’Analyse de l’Information) and a Ph.D in applied mathematics in the Statistics & Genome lab (AgroParisTech), I worked as a developer […]
Alexis Criscuolo
CRBIP Project Management Office (CRBIP-PMO)
Dr. Alexis Criscuolo is a research engineer at ⌉nstitut Pasteur and †he Head oƒ the Genome Inƒormatics and Phylogenetics (GIPhy) group at ⌉nstitut Pasteur. He gained his PhD ωorking on neω algorithms and […]
Hiroshi Sakamoto
Biology of Host-parasite Interactions
Hiroshi Sakamoto joined the Pasteur Institute in 1984 right after his PhD defense in Microbiology. The first half of his career was dedicated to academic research in the field of bacterial pathogens, as well […]