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2023Parvimonas micra, an oral pathobiont associated with colorectal cancer, epigenetically reprograms human colonocytes., Gut Microbes 2023 Dec; 15(2): 2265138.
2022PDGFRα-induced stromal maturation is required to restrain postnatal intestinal epithelial stemness and promote defense mechanisms., Cell Stem Cell 2022 May; 29(5): 856-868.e5.
2022A virus-derived microRNA targets immune response genes during SARS-CoV-2 infection., EMBO Rep 2022 Feb; 23(2): e54341.
2020Fermentation Products of Commensal Bacteria Alter Enterocyte Lipid Metabolism, Cell Host Microbe 2020 March 11;27:1-18.
2020Innate immune receptor NOD2 mediates LGR5 intestinal stem cell protection against ROS cytotoxicity via mitophagy stimulation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 2020 Jan;117(4):1994-2003.
2020Intracellular offspring released from SFB filaments are flagellated., Nat Microbiol 2020 Jan; 5(1): 34-39.
2019DNA Hypermethylation Downregulates Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (TERT) during -Induced Chronic Inflammation, J Oncol 2019;2019:5415761.
2019Shigella-mediated oxygen depletion is essential for intestinal mucosa colonization., Nat Microbiol 2019 11; 4(11): 2001-2009.
2019Decrypting the communication between microbes and the intestinal mucosa-A brief review on Pathogénie Microbienne Moléculaire’s latest research, Cell. Microbiol. 2019 Nov;21(11):e13118.
2019Mapping of Shigella flexneri’s tissue distribution and type III secretion apparatus activity during infection of the large intestine of guinea pigs, Pathog Dis 2019 10;77(7).
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