Bacterial diseases [173]

Claire Maudet-Crépin
Biology of infection

Isabelle Moulherat

Virulents bacteriophages and microbial ecosystems
Laurent Debarbieux

Genomic and nomenclature databases of pathogenic bacterial strains
Sylvain Brisse

Genomic taxonomy of bacterial strains: universal nomenclatures for epidemiology and population biology
Sylvain Brisse

Deciphering the regulation of human innate antimicrobial mechanisms to develop innovative immuno-stimulatory molecules

Bacterial transmembrane systems
Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre

CyaA secretion, folding and translocation across membrane
Alexandre Chenal

In vivo Study of Biofilm-Associated Catheter Infections
Christophe Beloin • Jean-Marc Ghigo

David Lebeaux
Genetics of Biofilms

The Southeast Asia encephalitis project
An integrative approach to understand and fight infectious encephalitis in children An encephalitis is an acute inflammation of the central nervous system associated with neurologic dysfunction. The most common etiologies are infections by […]

Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats
The Laboratory for Urgent Response to Biological Threats (CIBU) was created at the end of 2002 at the instigation of the Director General of Health (DGS) and the Director General of the Institut Pasteur, […]

Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae complex
The French National Reference Center for diphtheria (officially: the NRC for Corynebacteria of the diphtheriae complex; web pages in French) operates under the mandate of Public Health France (Santé publique France). Its missions are to diagnose […]

Whooping Cough and other Bordetella infections
Please follow the link hereafter for a description of the National Reference Center in French