In this webinar from the NEUBIAS Academy @Home series, we will first present advanced colocalization methods for analyzing SMLM data, before introducing statistical tools for analyzing the spatial distribution of objects.Part1: By generating point clouds instead of images, SMLM has necessitated the development of dedicated colocalization methods. In the first part of the webinar, we will present several density-based methods computing colocalization estimators directly from the localization coordinates.Part 2: The second part of the webinar will be dedicated to object-based colocalization methods, with a strong focus on robust statistical analysis. This analysis applies to any type of microscope image (from cryo-em and SMLM to widefield imaging), providing that the positions of the objects (molecules, cells…) can be estimated.
Oct 2020
Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
2020-10-14 14:00:00
2020-10-14 18:00:00
Webinar sur les méthodes de colocalisation avancées (SODA) pour la NEUBIAS Academy
In this webinar from the NEUBIAS Academy @Home series, we will first present advanced colocalization methods for analyzing SMLM data, before introducing statistical tools for analyzing the spatial distribution of objects.Part1: By generating point […]
Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France
Thibault Lagache
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Location: Pasteur Institute, Rue du Docteur Roux, Paris, France