Understand why viral outbreaks and pandemics are becoming more frequent and how the world is learning to manage emerging infections in a one health approach.
The MOOC is directed by Arnaud Fontanet, Pierre-Emmanuel Ceccaldi, Jean-Pierre Vartanian and Stephan Zientara.

What you will learn
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the recent viral human pandemics originating from viruses harbored in animal reservoirs.
- Identify factors that facilitate the spillover of these viruses from animals to humans.
- Understand the molecular mechanisms that drive emergence and virulence of viruses.
- Discern factors related to environment, climatic changes and socio-cultural evolution that will continue to increase the risk of viral human pandemics.
- Anticipate preparedness for new pandemics.
The number of viral outbreaks and pandemics has increased over the last half-century, including AIDS, Ebola, Zika and the main pandemics due to coronaviruses. The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the challenges of alert and management, and the interplay between biology, human sciences and politics.
The MOOC explains how most viral outbreaks stem from zoonoses. The main reservoirs of emerging viruses are mammals [DF1] and a few aquatic birds. Transmission can occur directly or through arthropods bites. Intermediate hosts may involve domestic animals that maintain the transmission cycle.
The spillover of viruses from wildlife to humans and the occurrence of pandemics are accelerated by viral mutations, and changes in life style and climate.
Surveillance of animal reservoirs, vectors and humans should allow for the detection of local outbreaks and the limitation of worldwide pandemics. Preparedness also encompasses resources to identify new pathogens, modeling of emergent infections, and the production of vaccines and treatments. A worldwide governance of such issues in a global health approach is mandatory to accelerate the response to pandemics.
Know the diploma Online Diploma of Infectious Diseases – DNM2IP : https://www.pasteur.fr/en/DNM2IP
Enrollment: From 14 Dec. 2023 to 12 Feb. 2025
Registration on https://www.fun-mooc.fr/en/courses/viral-outbreaks-and-pandemics-a-one-health-approach/
Course: From 13 Fev. to 12 Feb. 2025
Languages: The videos are in English, with English and French subtitles.
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