Peripheral immune cells modulate brain activities in physiology, but they are rarely found in direct contact with the neural tissue. Similarly, microbial products can shape brain development and aging, yet no commensal bacteria are found in healthy brain. We hypothesize that such peripheral immune and microbial signals affect the brain remotely and indirectly, from its borders, anatomical structures, which separate the central nervous system from the periphery. We aim to identify mechanisms of such remote immune and microbial influence on the brain by focusing on the choroid plexus (blood-CSF barrier) and the skull marrow niche in the context of brain development, aging and disease.

#StandUpForScience a rassemblé près de 15 000 personnes partout en France. Des scientifiques, équipes, laboratoires, ou des associations citoyennes ont affiché leur soutien par des photographies prises sur leur lieu de réunion ou de travail. Nous les avons assemblées 👇