Ligne de temps

Gaël Millot
Ingénieur(e) de Recherche
30 janv. 2025
Antibody-secreting cell repertoires hold high-affinity anti-rocuronium specificities that can induce anaphylaxis in vivo.
Lire plus11 sept. 2024
Rocuronium-specific antibodies drive perioperative anaphylaxis but can also function as reversal agents in preclinical models.
Lire plus03 janv. 2024
Integron cassettes integrate into bacterial genomes via widespread non-classical attG sites.
Lire plus02 août 2022
Chlamydia trachomatis development requires both host glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation but has only minor effects on these pathways.
Lire plus08 juin 2022
Genome-wide mapping of individual replication fork velocities using nanopore sequencing.
Lire plus03 mai 2022
High-affinity autoreactive plasma cells disseminate through multiple organs in patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
Lire plus01 avr. 2021
Immune response profiling of patients with spondyloarthritis reveals signalling networks mediating TNF-blocker function in vivo.
Lire plus26 févr. 2021
MetaHiC phage-bacteria infection network reveals active cycling phages of the healthy human gut.
Lire plus21 juil. 2020
01 juin 2020
30 mars 2020
High-throughput single-cell activity-based screening and sequencing of antibodies using droplet microfluidics
Lire plus09 mars 2020
Variants of uncertain clinical significance in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer genes: best practices in functional analysis for clinical annotation
Lire plus02 mars 2020
The anti-IgE mAb omalizumab induces adverse reactions by engaging Fcγ receptors
Lire plus17 janv. 2020
01 oct. 2019
01 mars 2019
Correlation between RB1germline mutations and second primary malignancies in hereditary retinoblastoma patients treated with external beam radiotherapy
Lire plus01 janv. 2019
Transcription-dependent regulation of replication dynamics modulates genome stability
Lire plus19 juil. 2018
19 juil. 2018
19 juil. 2018
19 juil. 2018
19 juil. 2018
19 juil. 2018
15 mai 2018
The Loss of Expression of a Single Type 3 Effector (CT622) Strongly Reduces Infectivity and Growth
Lire plus30 janv. 2018
18 déc. 2017
Heritability of the melatonin synthesis variability in autism spectrum disorders.
Lire plus08 nov. 2017
Contribution of germline deleterious variants in the RAD51 paralogs to breast and ovarian cancers
Lire plus21 déc. 2016
17 oct. 2016
Yeast cells reveal the misfolding and the cellular mislocalization of the human BRCA1 protein
Lire plus06 juin 2016
Functional Assessment of Genetic Variants with Outcomes Adapted to Clinical Decision-Making
Lire plus29 févr. 2016
A Parent-of-Origin Effect Impacts the Phenotype in Low Penetrance Retinoblastoma Families Segregating the c.1981C>T/p.Arg661Trp Mutation of RB1
Lire plus21 janv. 2016
Signaling from Mus81-Eme2-Dependent DNA Damage Elicited by Chk1 Deficiency Modulates Replication Fork Speed and Origin Usage
Lire plus01 janv. 2016
Single-molecule, antibody-free fluorescent visualisation of replication tracts along barcoded DNA molecules
Lire plus26 sept. 2015
26 juin 2015
11 mai 2015
02 févr. 2015
BRCA1 Circos: a visualisation resource for functional analysis of missense variants
Lire plus01 févr. 2014
01 août 2013
Common fragile site profiling in epithelial and erythroid cells reveals that most recurrent cancer deletions lie in fragile sites hosting large genes
Lire plus16 juil. 2012
06 nov. 2011
20 oct. 2011
Assessment of human Nter and Cter BRCA1 mutations using growth and localization assays in yeast
Lire plus01 avr. 2011
23 janv. 2011
Cell-type-specific replication initiation programs set fragility of the FRA3B fragile site
Lire plus30 juil. 2010
Nucleotide supply, not local histone acetylation, sets replication origin usage in transcribed regions
Lire plus01 avr. 2009
01 sept. 2008
Human immunodeficiency virus-associated thrombotic microangiopathies: clinical characteristics and outcome according to ADAMTS13 activity
Lire plus01 janv. 2008
Proteome analysis of differentiating human myoblasts by dialysis-assisted two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (DAGE)
Lire plus01 janv. 2006
Prognostic value of inhibitory anti-ADAMTS13 antibodies in adult-acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Lire plus01 juil. 2004
Severe ADAMTS13 deficiency in adult idiopathic thrombotic microangiopathies defines a subset of patients characterized by various autoimmune manifestations, lower platelet count, and mild renal involvement
Lire plus01 mars 2004
Differential signalling of NH2-terminal flag-labelled thrombopoietin receptor activated by TPO or anti-FLAG antibodies
Lire plus26 juin 2003
Constitutive and specific activation of STAT3 by BCR-ABL in embryonic stem cells
Lire plus01 juin 2002
Distinct effects of thrombopoietin depending on a threshold level of activated Mpl in BaF-3 cells
Lire plus15 févr. 2002
Requirement for mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in the response of embryonic stem cell-derived hematopoietic cells to thrombopoietin in vitro
Lire plus01 févr. 2002
MplK, a natural variant of the thrombopoietin receptor with a truncated cytoplasmic domain, binds thrombopoietin but does not interfere with thrombopoietin-mediated cell growth
Lire plus01 févr. 2001