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Grégory Batt
Responsable de Structure
Anciens Membres
We are grateful to former InBio members:
- Eléa Greugny (Intern, INSA Lyon, Summer 2017; now PhD student in Computational Biology at Johnson & Johnson and Inria Saclay),
- Laura Guyot (R & D Technology Engineer at Dassault Systems, May 2017 – Aug 2017 part time; permanent position),
- Matthieu Pichené (Postdoc, ANR, Inria, Apr 2018 – Jul 2018),
- Shuang Li (Intern, CRI, Spring 2018),
- Elise Weill (PhD candidate, Paris-Saclay Univ, Sep 2018 – Aug 2019; now high school teacher),
- Maxim Kryukov (Intern, Amgen program, MIPT, Summer 2018; now 4th year at MIPT),
- Martin Larralde (Intern, ENS Saclay, Summer 2018; now PhD candidate at EMBL Heidelberg),
- Albin Salazar (Intern, CRI, Spring 2019; now PhD candidate at ENS Paris),
- Mariela Furstenheim (Intern, CRI, Spring 2019; now PhD candidate at Institut Curie),
- Andjela Davidovic (Engineer, Hub Pasteur, Jun 2018 – Apr 2020 part time; permanent position)
- Thomas Wahl (Intern, Medical Doctor student, Master 1, Summer 2020)
- Sacha Maire (Intern, Biomedical engineering, Imperial College, Summer 2020)
- Steven Fletcher (Engineer, Feb 2017 – Aug 2020)
- Zach Fox (Postdoc, Jul 2019 – Oct 2020, now Postdoctoral Researcher, Los Alamos National Lab, link)
- Virgile Andreani (PhD student and postdoc, Sept 2016 – June 2021, now Postdoctoral researcher, Boston University, link)
- Chetan Aditya (PhD student, Feb 2018 – Sept 2021)
- Olivier Borkowski (Postdoc, Oct 2019 – Oct 2021, now Research scientist, INRA, link)
Principales publications
2023Maximizing protein production by keeping cells at optimal secretory stress levels using real-time control approaches, Nat Commun. 2023 May 25;14(1):3028.
2022Enhancing bioreactor arrays for automated measurements and reactive control with ReacSight, Nat Commun 2022 Jun; 13(1): 3363.
2022Enabling reactive microscopy with MicroMator, Nat Commun. 2022 Apr22;13(1): 2199.
2022Using single-cell models to predict the functionality of synthetic circuits at the population scale, PNAS 2022; 119(11):e2114438119.
2022Parameter inference for stochastic biochemical models from perturbation experiments parallelised at the single cell level, PLoS Comput Biol 2022 Mar; 18(3): e1009950.
2021External control of microbial populations for bioproduction: A modeling and optimization viewpoint, Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 2021 Dec 1;28:100394.
2021A light tunable differentiation system for the creation and control of consortia in yeast, Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 5;12(1):5829.
2021Beyond the chemical master equation: Stochastic chemical kinetics coupled with auxiliary processes, PLoS Comput Biol 2021 Jul 28; 17(7): e1009214.
2020To quarantine, or not to quarantine: A theoretical framework for disease control via contact tracing, Epidemics, 2020, 34.
2018Applying ecological resistance and resilience to dissect bacterial antibiotic responses, Sci Adv 2018 Dec; 4(12): eaau1873.
2017Balancing a genetic toggle switch by real-time feedback control and periodic forcing, Nat Commun. 2017 Nov 17;8(1):1671.
2017Shaping bacterial population behavior through computer-interfaced control of individual cells, Nat Commun. 2017 Nov 16;8(1):1535.
+Voir liste complète de publications sélectionnées
+Voir la liste complète de publications
Lab Equipment
Our lab is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments that enable us to construct experimental platforms to investigate cellular processes at the population and single cell level:
- a diverse range of small-volume bioreactors: a 16-reactor eVOLVER system, 8 Chi.Bio reactors, and a home-made 16-reactor array,
- two opentrons OT-2 liquid handler robots, equipped with temperature and magnetic modules,
- two table-top Guava easyCyte flow cytometers (HT BGV) with auto-sampler for 96-well plates,
- two Tecan Spark multimode plate readers,
- a Leica DMi8 fully-automated microscope with an Andor Mosaic 3 DMD system and two CoolLED pE-4000 light sources, together with a cellAsic Onix2 system and a set of Fluigent Flow EZ flow controllers for microfluidics,
- lab equipment for molecular biology and microbiology (biosafety level 2),
- two 96-core compute nodes and access to the Maestro cluster (15k cores, 70 GPU, 1PB rapid storage).
Images & Médias

- Address
- 4th floor @ Yersin building (main room: 24-04-05) & 2nd floor @ Lwoff building (main room: 22-02-17) 28 rue du Docteur Roux 75015 Paris
- Email & Tel
- +33 1 40 61 39 99
- Assistant (Inria)
- Christine Anocq +33 1 80 49 40 41
- Assistant (Pasteur)
- Denise Derhy +33 1 45 68 82 48