This project aims at understanding the dynamical behaviour of drosophila larva. The larva is a ~10000 neurons that exhibit complex behaviour dynamics in response to external stimuli and to possible internal states. This project is done in close collaboration with Marta zlatic’s lab at the Janelia Research Campus.
- The first goal is to develop a reliable action detection algorithm. Nearly ~500 000 larvae have been recorded. Here, we show a video example showing a larva behavioural dynamics. Color of the larva is associated to the action being performed. Black for run, Red for casting and turning, green for stoping, deep blue for hunching (a defensive action characterised by fast diminution of length)
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- The second is link neural activation and inactivating to action and sequences of action selections. All data come from the Zlatic’s automated high-throughput behavioural assays. Here, we show an example of diagram showing the derivative of the probability of actions immediately after an air puff (the Jovanic Screen ). Every line is a neuron or a set of neurons being silenced. Color code is associated to amplitude with deep cyan for strong decrease (negative values) and with deep pink for strong increase.
- The third is to question larva behaviour in complex environments. We rely on a closeloop setup where a larva is optogenetically stimulated during specific behaviours. We are questioning decision during ambiguous stimuli. Here, we show an example of “game” where a side dependent nociceptive stimuli is associated to casting event. Note the numerous head casts necessary to escape the nociceptive signal in the low intensity side
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