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2024Dott T, Culina S, Chemali R, Mansour CA, Dubois F, Jagla B, Doisne JM, Rogge L, Huetz F, Jönsson F, Commere PH, Di Santo J, Terrier B, Quintana-Murci L, Duffy D, Hasan M, Standardized high-dimensional spectral cytometry protocol and panels for whole blood immune phenotyping in clinical and translational studies., Cytometry A 2024 Feb; 105(2): 124-138.
2023Bekaddour N, Smith N, Beitz B, Llibre A, Dott T, Baudry A, Korganow AS, Nisole S, Mouy R, Breton S, Bader-Meunier B, Duffy D, Terrier B, Schneider B, Quartier P, Rodero MP, Herbeuval JP, Targeting the chemokine receptor CXCR4 with histamine analog to reduce inflammation in juvenile arthritis., Front Immunol 2023 ; 14(): 1178172.
Structures et signaux dans la niche neurogéniquePauline Speder
Organisation nucléaire et oncogénèseAnne Dejean
Plateforme d’Animalerie et Phénotypage de l’Institut de l’AuditionMarta Lindner
Chromatine et InfectionMélanie Hamon
Collection Nationale de Cultures de Microorganismes (CNCM)Raquel Hurtado Ortiz
Biologie des ARN des parasitesSebastian Baumgarten
Precision drugs Against Resistance In Subpopulations (PARIS)Benno Schwikowski
ArchOMEP – Archives Orales, Mémoires et Expériences en temps de PandémieClément Tarantini
Interaction of HCV with the IFN and stress pathwaysEliane Meurs
Tumor immunity and preclinical development of cancer vaccinesClaude Leclerc
DNA Polymerases Engineering and Synthetic BiologyMarc Delarue
SARAH (Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance between Animals and Humans)Lulla Opatowski