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Immunologie TranslationnelleDarragh Duffy
Cellules dendritiques et immunité adaptativePierre Guermonprez
Virus and ImmunityOlivier Schwartz
Analyse d’Images BiologiquesJean-Christophe Olivo-Marin
UMR3738 – Developmental and Stem Cell BiologyBiologie du Développement et Cellules SouchesLaure Bally-Cuif
UMR2000 – Génomique évolutive, modélisation et santéLouis Lambrechts
Quantifying heterogeneities in dengue virus transmission dynamicsThomas W. Scott
ANR-2015 StopBugEntryJavier Pizarro-Cerda
ANRS 12332 HepNile: Evaluation of “Real Life” Efficacy and Safety of antiviral treatments including new Direct Antiviral Agents among patients treated for Chronic Hepatitis C at Egyptian National Treatment CentresArnaud Fontanet
ANR-JCJC: Mechanisms defining functional heterogeneity of anatomically distinct myogenic populations (MUSE)Glenda Comai
Epigenetic mechanisms controlling the stability and plasticity of CD4+ T cell subsetsElisabetta Bianchi
ANR-Arch-Evol: Phylogenomic approaches to investigate the origin and evolution of the ArchaeaSimonetta Gribaldo