Valérie Thiers
Andrey Aristov
Microfluidique Physique et Bio-ingénierie
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Florian Muller
Imagerie quantitative de l’ARN
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Christophe Zimmer
Imagerie et modélisation
Mickael Lelek
Imagerie et modélisation
Christian Weber
Imagerie quantitative de l’ARN
Stéphanie Lebreton
Trafic membranaire et Pathogénèse
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Chiara Zurzolo
Trafic membranaire et Pathogénèse
Chiara Zurzolo, MD PhD, is head of the Membrane Trafficking and Pathogenesis Unit and head of the Department of Cell Biology and Infection. In 1995, started her lab as professor of Cell Biology at […]
Vincent Rouilly
Immunologie Translationnelle
Nader Yatim
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Christine Petit
Laboratoire d’Innovation en Thérapies de l’Audition
POSTES SCIENTIFIQUES Head of Auditory Therapies Innovation Laboratory at the Hearing Institute (an Institut Pasteur Center), Paris Professor “Classe Exceptionnelle” at Institut Pasteur, Paris Professor Emeritus at Collège de France, Chair of Genetics and […]
Pierre-Marie Lledo
Gènes, Synapses et Cognition
With interests ranging from brain development and brain disease to neuronal circuitry, P-M Lledo is best known for his studies of the interplay between sensory inputs and brain plasticity, when the malleability of the […]
Uwe Maskos
Neurobiologie intégrative des systèmes cholinergiques
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Pierre-Jean Corringer
Signalisation et dynamique des récepteurs
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