Since September 2005: platform of recombinant proteins (group J.Bellalou)
Production of recombinant proteins in microfermentors battery (BIOPOD F800). Optimization of protein production protocols in E. coli.
Protein expression analysis: electrophoresis SDS-PAGE gels, Western-blot.
Protein purifications on AKTA pure and AKTA Express systems.
2002 – 2005 viral immunopathology unit at Pasteur Institute
Research project on HIV. PTR in collaboration with AVENTIS-PASTEUR Company.
Cell cultures (dendritic cells) . Elisa/Elispot, use of a flow cytometer (FACS) bioassay
1994 – 2002 Collection of Bacteria of the Pasteur Institute
Lyophilization of bacterial strains. Production of spores suspensions
Studies of the biochemical identification characters of bacterial strains
Electrophoresis and chromatography techniques
Participation at the quality assurance system ISO
Safety and hygiene correspondent at the PFPR.