I received my Ph.D. in Molecular Chemistry from the Ecole Polytechnique (Palaiseau, France) in 2010 under the supervision of Julia Chamot-Rooke. During this time, I was involved in the development of a top-down mass spectrometry approach combined with hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) for the structural analysis of protein complexes.
After my PhD, I joined the proteomics core facility of the Institut Pasteur to work on the Orbitrap Velos ETD coupled with a liquid chromatography. I also manage the high-throughput bottom-up proteomics analysis. I divide my time between the core facility and the Structural Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Unit headed by Julia Chamot-Rooke, where I am involved in the development of top-down proteomics using high resolution mass spectrometers (Orbitraps).