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2024Post-translational targeting of Rab35 by the effector IcsB of Shigella determines intracellular bacterial niche formation., Cell Rep 2024 Apr; 43(4): 114034.
2022Multi-site Extracellular Electrode Neuronal Recordings in the Rodent Cerebellar Cortex and Nuclei, In: Sillitoe R.V. (eds) Measuring Cerebellar Function. Neuromethods, vol 177. Humana, New York, NY.
2021A first-passage approach to diffusion-influenced reversible binding and its insights into nanoscale signaling at the presynapse., Sci Rep 2021 Mar; 11(1): 5377.
2020Feed-forward recruitment of electrical synapses enhances synchronous spiking in the mouse cerebellar cortex., 2020 Sep; 9(): .
2019Distinct Nanoscale Calcium Channel and Synaptic Vesicle Topographies Contribute to the Diversity of Synaptic Function, Neuron 2019 Sep;.
2019Underpinning heterogeneity in synaptic transmission by presynaptic ensembles of distinct morphological modules, Nat Commun 2019 02;10(1):826.
2018Stability, affinity, and chromatic variants of the glutamate sensor iGluSnFR, Nat. Methods 2018 Nov;15(11):936-939.
2018Variations in Ca Influx Can Alter Chelator-Based Estimates of Ca Channel-Synaptic Vesicle Coupling Distance, J. Neurosci. 2018 Apr;38(16):3971-3987.
2016Differential Dendritic Integration of Synaptic Potentials and Calcium in Cerebellar Interneurons, Neuron 2016 Aug;91(4):837-850.
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