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2024Belt and braces: Two escape ways to maintain the cassette reservoir of large chromosomal integrons., PLoS Genet 2024 Apr; 20(4): e1011231.
2024Integron cassettes integrate into bacterial genomes via widespread non-classical attG sites., Nat Microbiol 2024 Jan; 9(1): 228-240.
2022Unbridled Integrons: A Matter of Host Factors., Cells 2022 Mar; 11(6): .
2021Cassette recruitment in the chromosomal Integron of Vibrio cholerae., Nucleic Acids Res 2021 Jun; 49(10): 5654-5670.
2020Primary and promiscuous functions coexist during evolutionary innovation through whole protein domain acquisitions., Elife 2020 Dec; 9(): .
2020Integron Identification in Bacterial Genomes and Cassette Recombination Assays., Methods Mol Biol 2020 ; 2075(): 189-208.
2019Structural heterogeneity of attC integron recombination sites revealed by optical tweezers., Nucleic Acids Res 2019 Feb; 47(4): 1861-1870.
2018Recoding of synonymous genes to expand evolutionary landscapes requires control of secondary structure affecting translation., Biotechnol Bioeng 2018 Jan; 115(1): 184-191.
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