Arturo Hernández Cervantes is a Postdoctoral research fellow at Institut Pasteur. He obtained his PhD at the University of Guanajuato, Mexico. During his PhD he analyzed the function of mannosyltransferases in the human pathogenic fungi Sporothrix schenckii and Candida albicans, under the supervision of Prof. Arturo Flores Carreón and Prof. Héctor Manuel Mora Montes. Also he participated in the study of other genes involved in the N– and O-glycosylation in these fungi. Currently he is focused in the study of genes that are involved in the chlamydospore formation pathway in C. albicans.
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2022Functional Portrait of Irf1 (Orf19.217), a Regulator of Morphogenesis and Iron Homeostasis in Candida albicans., Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2022 ; 12(): 960884.
2020A conserved regulator controls asexual sporulation in the fungal pathogen Candida albicans., Nat Commun 2020 12; 11(1): 6224.
2018Systematic gene overexpression in Candida albicans identifies a regulator of early adaptation to the mammalian gut., Cell Microbiol 2018 Nov; 20(11): e12890.