PCR [300]

Maxime Chazal
Virus sensing and signaling

Vincent Enouf
Mutualized Platform for Microbiology

Eric Legrand
Malaria Parasite Biology and Vaccines

Christian Mitri
Biology of Insect Vectors and their Pathogens
From 2001 to 2005 I did my Ph.D in Montpellier (South of France) at the Institut of Functional Genomic. I worked on Drosophila melanogaster and I characterized a new G-Protein Coupled Receptor, only found […]

Emmanuel Bischoff

Parasites and Insect Vectors
The Parasites and Insect Vectors Department investigates the life cycle of parasites and their vectors. This research addresses global public health concerns and tackles the ongoing need for better prevention, control, and treatment. The department […]

Genomes and Genetics
The teams of the department Genomes & Genetics are interested by questions related to gene regulation and evolutionary dynamics, including: Replication fidelity. Quality control of gene expression. Genetic diversity of populations and its impact […]

Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Developmental biology first made its appearance at Institut Pasteur when François Jacob, François Gros and their colleagues extended their pioneering work on mRNA in bacteria to gene regulation in eukaryotic systems. This led to […]