Functional metagenomics [9]

Juliette Meyer
Expertise group : Stats
I was recruited at Pasteur Institute in Octobrer 2022 as biostatistician of the Statistical Group of the Hub. My main areas of expertise is statistical modeling especially of high-dimensional data. Before joining Pasteur, I […]

Riccardo Vicedomini
Research activity and interests are available at my personal web page: rvicedomini.github.io

Kenzo-Hugo Hillion
Expertise group : WINTER – Web integration
After a Master degree in Genetics at Magistère Européen de Génétique, Paris Diderot, I did a second Master in bioinformatics at University of Nantes where I focused my work on the study of mapping […]

Thomas Cokelaer
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
I joined the Bioinformatics and Biostatistics Hub at Institut Pasteur in 2016 and was detached to the Platform Biomics (http://biomics.pasteur.fr). Since Oct 2018, I am leading the SALSA group (a.k.a. dry-lab group) activities, which […]

Amine Ghozlane
Expertise group: Genomics
Après une thèse d’informatique sur l’analyse de graphes de réseaux métaboliques et interactions des petits ARN avec les ARN messagers, j’ai effectué un premier post-doc dans l’équipe DSIMB (INTS) sur la modélisation structurale des […]

Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Marie-Agnès Dillies • Hervé Menager

Nicolas Cabanel
Ecology and Evolution of Antibiotics Resistance