Expression systems engineering [40]

Flow Cytometry protocols – handbook
Sophie Novault

Mathilde Dusseaux
Human Disease Models core facility

Adam Taheraly

Production and Purification of Recombinant Proteins Technological Platform
Stéphane Petres

Sebastián Sosa Carrillo
I am a PhD candidate at the InBio research group. In 2015 I obtained a bachelor’s degree in Biotechnology at the University of València (Spain), and in 2018 a master (M1 and M2) degree […]

InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
Grégory Batt

Michael Connor
Chromatin and Infection

Dorian Obino
Pathogenesis of vascular infections
Born and raised in the south of France, I moved to Paris to study at the Magistère Européen de Génétique (Université Paris VII, now Université Paris Cité) where I specialized in immuno-genetics and cell biology. […]

Silence to cure: stabilize chromatin for the management of diseases with inflammatory components

Guilherme Dias de Melo
Trypanosomatids Infectious Processes
Guilherme Dias de Melo is veterinarian. He obtained his degree in Veterinary Medicine (december 2010), his MD in Veterinary Sciences (june 2012) and his PhD in Veterinary Sciences (june 2015) at the Sao Paulo […]

Cécile Peltekian
The institut Carnot Pasteur MS
Cécile holds a Ph.D in fundamental Virology. Her research background focused on two human viruses: she first carried out research on Interferon antiviral effect against Hepatitis B virus, as a PhD fellow at Inserm […]

Bacterial transmembrane systems
Nadia Izadi-Pruneyre

Hepacivirus-host interactions
Annette Martin

Signalling and Molecular interactions
Nicolas Wolff