Negative stain and Cryo-electron microscopy is used to provide structural information of macromolecules and their complexes by imaging non-crystalline speciments (single particles) absorbed in electron microscopy grids.
Fédry J, Liu Y, Péhau-Arnaudet G, Pei J, Li W, Tortorici MA, Traincard F, Meola A, Bricogne G, Grishin NV, Snell WJ, Rey FA, & Krey T, (2017). The Ancient Gamete Fusogen HAP2 Is a Eukaryotic Class II Fusion Protein. Cell, 168(5), 904–915.
Shortly after, you will be invited to briefly introduce your project in one of Ultrapole meetings and discuss how to best address your questions. During this meeting be prepared to provide information on sample purification protocol and on its composition and heterogenity (Size Exclusion Chromatography or other methods). Mass Spectrometry, UV singnature and Dynamic Light Scattering services can be provided by the Center of Biophysics of Macromolecules and their Interactions (PFBMI facility) of Institute Pasteur as an Initial Assesment package for your sample.
You will be asked to provide an inactivation protocol in case your project deals with pathogens of P2/P3 bio-safety level before bringing your samples to our facility.
Plunge freezing For samples with thickness < few microns, such as isolated particles including proteins, macromolecular complexes, decorated liposomes, viruses, bacteria, eukaryotic cells…. Samples are deposited or grown directly onto EM grids and cryo-fixed […]
The Tecnai F20 is a 200 kV Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) specifically designed for high resolution data collection and tomography. The Field Emission Gun (FEG) provides high beam intensity and stability. Further structural […]