Project Prophylaxies post-exposition contre la rage chez les voyageurs,à propos de 2916 patients vus au centre antirabique de l’Institut Pasteur de Paris, 2018-2022 Paul-Henri Consigny • Philippe Poujol
Program Project Array The microbial communities that live with us, the microbiota, are now understood to be a key component of our being, playing roles in metabolism, immunity and behavior. More than a decade has elapsed since […]
Project PERT-SEVERE II – Impact de l’expression bactérienne et de la réponse immunitaire dans la gravité de la coqueluche Julie Toubiana
Project PoxVac22 – Description of the kinetics of the clinical and biological aspects of the persons consulting in the framework of the management of the MONKEYPOX disease Fabien Taieb
Project Pro-actively addressing the challenges for an effective uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in Belgium: a transdisciplinary approach (Transvaxx project) Tamara Giles-Vernick • Léonard Heyerdahl
Project Vaccine hesitancy during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Understanding the spread and use of (mis)information among health workers in Guinea and Ghana (Frontline project) Léonard Heyerdahl
Project Cultivating Online Safe Spaces: Addressing unspoken hesitancy to build vaccine confidence in healthcare workers in Belgium (OSS project) Léonard Heyerdahl • Tamara Giles-Vernick