Humoral immunity [90]

Brice Rotureau
Group: Trypanosome transmission

Christelle Travaillé
Photonic BioImaging (UTechS PBI)

Mathieu Mateo
Biology of Viral Emerging Infections
Focus on hemorrhagic fever viruses, host/pathogen interactions, viral countermeasures, vaccines

Laurent Dacheux
Environment and Infectious Risks
Trained as a pharmacist, Laurent Dacheux quickly moved into research, through the completion of a PhD in virology which focused on the study of the antibody response in long-term asymptomatic HIV patients. During his […]

Friederike Jönsson
Group: Allergy and Autoimmunity

Christian Demeure
Immunity against plague and other Yersinioses

Elisabeth Carniel

Pierre Charneau
Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory

Guillemette Masse-Ranson
Deputy Director of CVI

Frédérique Vernel-Pauillac
U1306 – Host-Microbe interactions and pathophysiology
Frederique Vernel-Pauillac is a research engineer in the Molecular Mycology Unit. She is currently PhD student. After an assignment in the network (Institut Pasteur of New-Caledonia) where she was involved in two public health […]

Neetu Gupta-Rossi
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
The full Midbody Remnant proteome identified from Hela cells, named Flemmingsome can be found here: https://flemmingsome.pasteur.cloud/

Antonio Freitas

Florence Buseyne
Group: Immunity of human retroviral infections

Marie-Lise Gougeon