Discrete and numerical optimization [11]

Johann Dreo
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB
Scientific interests: optimization, search (meta)heuristics, explainable artificial intelligence, machine learning, algorithm design and engineering, graph mining, semantic knowledge graphs, reproducibility, systems biomedicine. I’m currently working on: Wants to know (a lot) more? See my […]

HPC Core Facility
Expertise group : Stats
Pascal Campagne

Aleix Boquet-Pujadas

Numerical methods for network analysis
Christian L. Vestergaard

Virgile Andreani
Physicist and computer scientist by training, I develop quantitative population models of antibiotic resistance, which I calibrate using optimal experimental design. I then exploit them to engineer optimal treatment strategies.

Christian L. Vestergaard
Decision and Bayesian Computation – Epiméthée
I am a statistical physicist and biophysicist with a main interest in data-driven modeling and in developing methods for the analysis of complex dynamical systems. The focus of my research has been on time-varying […]

InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
Grégory Batt

Grégory Batt
InBio: Experimental and Computational Methods for Modeling Cellular Processes
I’m a computational biologist passionate about understanding how biological systems function at the molecular level. Making sense of our necessarily fragmented observations of the extremely complex systems that cells are is one of the […]

Anna Zhukova
Evolutionary dynamics of infectious diseases
I am applying my algorithmic and mathematical skills to extend our knowledge of pathogen transmission and evolution. In my work I develop new phylogenetic methods, tools and mathematical models to answer such questions as: […]