Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) [14]

Cédric Diot
Enthusiastic research scientist fascinated by host-microbe interactions, with an extensive experience in Virology and Systems Biology. I did my PhD studying Influenza A viruses x cell host interactions with a focus on DExD RNA […]

Jérôme Bourret
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUB

Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti
Molecular mechanisms of multiplication of Pneumoviruses M3P
I am a virologist with a special interest in the study of the fundamental mechanisms of virus multiplication and their links to human health. I have a dual medical and scientific background that allows […]

George Shirreff
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
I am a post-doctoral researcher in infectious disease epidemiology and modelling at Institut Pasteur and Centre de recherche en épidémiologie et santé des populations (CESP) at INSERM. I work closely with Lulla Opatowski, Didier […]

Emilie Yab

Luis Checa Ruano
Chemoinformatics and proteochemometrics

Elisabeth Menu

Elisabeth Menu
Center for Immunology of Viral Infections, Autoimmune, Haematological and bacterial diseases (ImVA-HB) CEA/DRF/Jacob/IDMIT, Université Paris-Saclay, INSERM U1184 Bâtiment 62-3ème étage 18 route du Panorama 92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses ET Institut Pasteur Département de Virologie Groupe MISTIC

Patricia Jeannin
Group: Cell Biology and Viral Infection
Patricia Jeannin is graduated in virology (Master of science in medical virology) She work in Pasteur Institute since 2003. Patricia Jeannin takes part to the diagnostic of flu viruses in influenza CNR (Immunology : ELISA… […]

Claude Leclerc
Major Federating Program Vaccinology

Jean-Claude Manuguerra
Environment and Infectious Risks

Frédéric Tangy
Institut Pasteur-Oncovita joint laboratory