The MATI (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Iran) regional meeting was held in Tehran (November 7-9 2016). The theme of this meeting was “Research and Development Towards Public Health, Facing Great Challenges”. A panel was dedicated to Vector-Borne Diseases co-chaired by Dr Anna-Bella FAILLOUX (IP Paris) and Dr Navid Dinparast (IP Iran). Three sub-groups were formed and chaired by: Anna-Bella FAILLOUX (IP Paris) on “Mosquitoes and Arboviruses”, Ali BOUATTOUR (IP Tunis) on “Ticks and associated diseases” and Anne DERBISE on “Fleas and plague”.
Ten talks were given: Alioune GAYE (IP Dakar), Anne DERBISE (IP Paris), Ehsan MOSTAFAVI (IP Iran), Fadila AMRAOUI (IP Paris), Mahdi FAZLALIPOR (IP Iran), Meriem BKHACHE (IP Morocco), Mostafa SALEHI-VAZIRI (IP Iran), Renée ZAKHIA (Lebanese University), Saeid Reza Naddaf (IP Iran), Youmna M’GHIRBI (IP Tunis).