Members [All]
Assunta PelosiDepartment Manager
Océane AloudaAdministrative Staff
Zeyneb Vildan CakilMaster Student
Expertise group : SysBio – System Bioinformatics
Hélène Lopez-MaestreResearch Engineer -
Epigenetic Chemical Biology
Jean ContrerasPhD Student -
Investigation and volunteers for human health
Ayla ZayoudProject Manager -
Elsa LiévinTechnician
CHIP : Collections for Human health of Institut Pasteur
Dorian ChevalTechnician -
Lina FranklinResearch Engineer
Marta Miera MaluendaMaster Student
Physical Microfluidics and Bioengineering
Gabriel AmselemAssistant Professor -
Architecture and Dynamics of Biological Macromolecules
Sophia MissouryPost-doc -
Neural Circuit Dynamics and Decision Making
Wilson Mena OrosticaPost-doc -
Signalling and Molecular interactions
Flavio AlvarezPhD Student -
Imaging and Modeling
Hoa Nguyen Thi ThanhResearch Engineer -
Ikram MezghichePhD Student -
Francesco Paolo PaneiPhD Student
Rémi SieskindPost-doc
Maha DavidProject Manager
Antoine HabisPhD Student