Members [All]
Paula Thiel PizzaroUndergraduate Student
Evolutionary Biology of the Microbial Cell
Anna KurowskaPhD Student -
Gilles LeloupClinician Researcher
Émilie FayeClinician Researcher
Neural coding and neuroengineering of human speech functions
Mariette VinurelClinician Researcher -
Xiaoyue WangPost-doc
Neural coding and neuroengineering of human speech functions
Sophie BoutonPermanent Researcher -
Expertise group: GORE – Genome Organization Regulation and Expression
Stephan FischerResearch Engineer -
Synthetic Biology
Beatriz BeamudPost-doc -
Synthetic Biology
Paul RochettePhD Student -
Anthony RodriguesUndergraduate Student
Cindy MichelPost-doc
Heart Morphogenesis
Marie-Amandine ChabryPhD Student -
Jong Eun IhmHead of Structure
Chemoinformatics and proteochemometrics
Constantin Bogdan CiamburPost-doc -
Antoine BouchetTechnician
Applied and Theoretical Neuroanatomy
Katja HeuerPost-doc -
Applied and Theoretical Neuroanatomy
Nicolas TrautResearch Engineer -
Biological Image Analysis
Giacomo NardiPost-doc -
Microbial Evolutionary Genomics
Manuel Ares arroyoPost-doc