Anna received her PhD in Genetics and Molecular Medicine from the University of Naples Federico II (Italy) in 2016. During her graduate work, she focused on the study of prion disease. In the Zurzolo lab, Anna is continuing to work on the mechanism of prions misfolding and trafficking. Her major interest, however, is the use of zebrafish as a developmental model to assess the existence and function of tunneling nanotubes in vivo. She likes to spend countless hours (especially at night) imaging TNTs using various microscopes (confocal , spinning disc, light-sheet, etc).
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2024Tunneling nanotubes enable intercellular transfer in zebrafish embryos., Dev Cell 2024 Nov; (): .
2024Correlative cryo-microscopy pipelines for in situ cellular studies, Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy V, 187, Elsevier, pp.175-203, 2024, Methods in Cell Biology, 978-0-323-95141-8. ⟨10.1016/bs.mcb.2024.02.038⟩.
2024Correlative cryo-microscopy pipelines for in situ cellular studies., Methods Cell Biol 2024 ; 187(): 175-203.
2023Identification and Characterization of Tunneling Nanotubes for Intercellular Trafficking., Curr Protoc 2023 Nov; 3(11): e939.
2022Tunneling nanotubes provide a route for SARS-CoV-2 spreading., Sci Adv 2022 Jul; 8(29): eabo0171.
2020Fine intercellular connections in development: TNTs, cytonemes, or intercellular bridges?, Cell Stress 2020 Jan; 4(2): 30-43.
2019Effect of tolytoxin on tunneling nanotube formation and function, Sci Rep 2019 Apr;9(1):5741.
2019Correlative cryo-electron microscopy reveals the structure of TNTs in neuronal cells, Nat Commun 2019 01;10(1):342.
2017Cell Biology of Prion Protein, Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 2017;150:57-82.
2017Regulation of sub-compartmental targeting and folding properties of the Prion-like protein Shadoo, Sci Rep 2017 Jun;7(1):3731.
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