Cyril Addi
Frédérique Cuvelier
Membrane Traffic and Cell Division
Marie Sabec
The role of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Alzheimer’s disease.
Camille Thiberge
Sebastien Megharba
Flow Cytometry Platform
Technicien Supérieur de Recherche au sein de la plateforme de cytométrie en flux Institut Pasteur Paris
Marie Prevost
Signaling and receptors dynamics
I am a permanent researcher focusing on the understanding of the structure-function relationships of the human nicotinic receptors, and their role psychiatric and neurological diseases. My work explores the α5 and α7 containing nicotinic […]
Laura Guichard
Vanessa Benhamo
Heart Morphogenesis
Ludovic Halby
Epigenetic Chemical Biology
Nicolas Minier
Nicolas MINIER obtained his M.Sc with the “BME Paris” biomedical engineering program, and specialized in biomaterials (Paris Descartes university, ENSAM, and Mines ParisTech). He joined the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) at the […]
Claire Leblond
Human Genetics and Cognitive Functions
Julien Fumey
Microbial Paleogenomics Unit
I studied biology and biochemestry at University Paris Diderot. Interested by computational science, I made a Master of bioinformatics, still at University Paris Diderot. After my master I made a PhD in population genetics […]