Cours Pasteur Méthodologies des essais cliniques
Cet enseignement d’une semaine est destiné à tous les professionnels de la santé et couvre divers aspects méthodologiques et théoriques des essais cliniques. Pour en savoir plus et consulter le programme, veuillez visiter la […]
MOOC Essais cliniques dans les maladies infectieuses et tropicales
Ce MOOC aborde les bases théoriques et pratiques de la recherche clinique et présente des exemples d’essais cliniques menés dans des pays à ressources limitées. >>S’inscrire ici << L’objectif général de ce MOOC est […]
Viral Hepatitis MOOC
In this MOOC, you will find the latest developments on the intimate structure and pathophysiology of hepatic viruses, as well as the epidemiology and clinical courses of hepatitis. Register on : Hepatitis is an […]
Former Teams
2025Hepatitis B core-related antigen rapid diagnostic test for point-of-care identification of women at high risk of hepatitis B vertical transmission: a multicountry diagnostic accuracy study., Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol 2025 Mar; (): .
2023Molecular Detection of Orthohantavirus puumalaense in Plasma and Urine Samples from Hospitalized Patients Presenting with a Serologically Confirmed Acute Hantavirus Infection in France., J Clin Microbiol 2023 Aug; 61(8): e0037223.
2023Enjeux et difficultés de l’accès aux traitements pour la prise en charge de l’hépatite B chronique à Madagascar : étude qualitative auprès des soignants et personnes atteintes, Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2023 Jun; 71(4): 102088.
2022Prevalence and factors associated with faecal carriage of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales among peripartum women in the community in Cambodia., J Antimicrob Chemother 2022 Sep; 77(10): 2658-2666.
2022Conditionality of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in European countries, Vaccine, 2022 Feb; 40(9):1191-1197.
2021Prevalence and Factors Associated with Maternal Group B Streptococcus Colonization in Madagascar and Senegal., Am J Trop Med Hyg 2021 Aug; (): .
2021Cotrimoxazole versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in HIV-infected pregnant women in Bangui, Central African Republic: a Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial., Trop Med Int Health 2021 Aug; (): .
2021Cost-effectiveness of adding a birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine in the Dafra district of the Hauts-Bassins Region in Burkina Faso (NéoVac Study)., Vaccine 2021 Jul; 39(33): 4659-4670.
2021Impact of Introducing Hepatitis B Birth Dose Vaccines into the Infant Immunization Program in Burkina Faso: Study Protocol for a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial (NéoVac Study)., Vaccines (Basel) 2021 Jun; 9(6): .
2021The Costs of Introducing the Hepatitis B Birth Dose Vaccine into the National Immunization Programme in Senegal (NéoVac Study)., Vaccines (Basel) 2021 May; 9(5): .
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