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Transversal Projects
2024Distinct Chrna5 mutations link excessive alcohol use to types I/II vulnerability profiles and IPN GABAergic neurons., Transl Psychiatry 2024 Nov; 14(1): 461.
2023Impact of the gut microbiome on nicotine’s motivational effects and glial cells in the ventral tegmental area in male mice., Neuropsychopharmacology 2023 May; 48(6): 963-974.
2021Alterations in nicotinic receptor alpha5 subunit gene differentially impact early and later stages of cocaine addiction: a translational study in transgenic rats and patients., Prog Neurobiol 2021 02; 197(): 101898.
2020Genetic susceptibility to nicotine addiction: Advances and shortcomings in our understanding of the CHRNA5/A3/B4 gene cluster contribution, Neuropharmacology. 2020;108234. .
2019β2* nAChRs on VTA dopamine and GABA neurons separately mediate nicotine aversion and reward., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 17;116(51):25968-25973. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1908724116.
2019Profound alteration in reward processing due to a human polymorphism in CHRNA5: a role in alcohol dependence and feeding behavior., Neuropsychopharmacology 2019 10; 44(11): 1906-1916.
2018A Human Polymorphism in CHRNA5 Is Linked to Relapse to Nicotine Seeking in Transgenic Rats., Curr Biol 2018 Oct; 28(20): 3244-3253.e7.
2016A role for β2* nicotinic receptors in a model of local amyloid pathology induced in dentate gyrus., Neurobiol Aging 2016 10; 46(): 221-34.
2016Cognitive Dysfunction, Affective States, and Vulnerability to Nicotine Addiction: A Multifactorial Perspective, Front Psychiatry 2016;7:160.
2016Alterations in alpha5* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors result in midbrain- and hippocampus-dependent behavioural and neural impairments., Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2016 Sep; 233(18): 3297-314.
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