Test anglais
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Anglais test
2012A natural system of chromosome transfer in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis., PLoS Genet 2012 ; 8(3): e1002529.
2011Characterization of the Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis laminin-binding/histone-like protein (Lbp/Hlp) which reacts with sera from patients with Crohn’s disease, Microbes Infect. 2011 Jun;13(6):585-94.
2011In silico comparison of Yersinia pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis transcriptomes reveals a higher expression level of crucial virulence determinants in the plague bacillus., Int. J. Med. Microbiol. 2011 Feb; 301(2): 105-16.
2009An iron-regulated LysR-type element mediates antimicrobial peptide resistance and virulence in Yersinia pseudotuberculosis., Microbiology (Reading) 2009 Jul; 155(Pt 7): 2168-2181.
2008Growth of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis in human plasma: impacts on virulence and metabolic gene expression., BMC Microbiol. 2008 Dec; 8(): 211.
2007Transcriptome analysis of Yersinia pestis in human plasma: an approach for discovering bacterial genes involved in septicaemic plague., Microbiology (Reading, Engl.) 2007 Sep; 153(Pt 9): 3112-3124.
2007Multiple antimicrobial resistance in plague: an emerging public health risk, PLoS ONE 2007;2(3):e309.
2006Atlas de la peste à Madagascar, IRD; Institut Pasteur, 94 p., 2006, Focus, 9782709918510. ⟨10.4000/books.irdeditions.6582⟩.
2005Distribution of Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 plasmids among other B. megaterium strains and Bacillus species., Plasmid 2005 May; 53(3): 205-17.
2002High-frequency conjugative transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to Yersinia pestis in the flea midgut, Mol. Microbiol. 2002 Oct;46(2):349-54.
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