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Infectious Disease Epidemiology and AnalyticsMichael White
Dynamics of Immune ResponsesPhilippe Bousso
Production and Purification of Recombinant Proteins Technological PlatformStéphane Petres
Bioinformatics and Biostatistics HUBMarie-Agnès Dillies
Macrophages and Endothelial CellsElisa Gomez Perdiguero
Center for the Production and Infection of AnophelesSabine Thiberge
Ressources for good practices in implementing clinical research and translational research on human samples and dataIsabelle Cailleau
SaMARA: Surveillance and Monitoring of Antimalarial Resistance in AfricaEric Legrand
From the source to the user end: deciphering the impact of microbiome and water parameters on opportunistic waterborne pathogens (MicroPathWater)Laura Gomez Valero
PTR 496 – Investigating the reciprocal relationship between macrophage inflammasome activity and intracellular Leishmania infectionEric Prina
CANDIHUBChristophe D’Enfert
Hijacking of host PDZ proteins during hepatitis B virus infectionCélia Caillet-Saguy