In 2018, Arthur graduated with a Ph.D. in developmental biology from the University of Strasbourg (France). For his Ph.D. project, Arthur studied the biomechanics of anteroposterior axis elongation in the chicken embryo in Olivier Pourquié’s lab at Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA). He joined Jérôme Gros’ lab (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France) in December 2019, in which he studies the biomechanics of early stages of avian embryonic development.
© Aline Bonnet, Institut Pasteur
Coupe transversale d’embryon de caille transgénique mbGFP à 18somites, au niveau du futur bourgeon de membre antérieur avec un marquage noyaux (bleu), GFP (vert) et actine (rouge) / Transversal section of a mbGFP transgenic quail embryo at 18-somite stage, at forelimb level, with nuclei (blue), GFP (green) and actin (red) labelling