Mycology dpt seminar : Prof Frédéric Lamoth. (UNIL, Switzerland); “Mechanisms of azole resistance in Candida auris ; September 21st @ 12.00pm ; JP Aubert room
DBSC workshop “Optimal Prediction of Protein Complex Structures with AlphaFold Made Easy” on September 26th
The Department of Structural Biology and Chemistry at Institut Pasteur organises a workshop on “Optimal Prediction of Protein Complex Structures with AlphaFold Made Easy”. This workshop aims to provide participants with valuable insights and […]
Dept Microbiology & Global Health joint Seminar | Stephen Baker “Where do we go next with AMR?”
Séminaire Inter Carnot et lancement de l’appel à projet conjoint Pasteur MS / France Futur Élevage
Dans le cadre de l’action commune des instituts Carnot Pasteur Microbes et Santé et France Futur Elevage (porté par l’Inrae), ils vous proposent un séminaire qui sera l’occasion du lancement du nouvel AAP Inter-Carnot […]
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Maria Adelaida GOMEZ “Treatment failure and persistent Leishmania infection: Shifting the paradigm from killing the bug to a healthy co-living”
Séminaire extraordinaire du Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Maria Adelaida GOMEZ Coordinator of the Molecular Biology and Biochemistry lab CIDEIM (Centro Internacional de Entrenamiento e Investigaciones Médicas) – Cali-Colombia “Treatment failure and persistent […]
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Professor Vyacheslav YURCHENKO “Viral and bacterial endobionts of Trypanosomatidae: lessons from the “obscure” species”
Séminaire extraordinaire du Département des Parasites et Insectes Vecteurs Professor Vyacheslav YURCHENKO Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biology and Genetics; Lab Head Laboratory of Trypanosomatid Biology – Life Science Research Center University of Ostrava […]
Inauguration new BSL2 imaging lab
We wish to inform you that October 16th, 2023 we are organizing an inauguration event for our new BioSafety Level 2 (BSL2) imaging suite. To celebrate we will host a high-content imaging technology mini-symposium […]
second edition of Single Cell Mini symposium
The Single Cell Resources initiative of the Institut Pasteur is pleased to announce the second edition of “Single cell Mini Symposium” to be held on September 29, 2023 at the Institut Pasteur. Find the […]
2nd Drug Discovery & Screening Symposium – “From bench to drug discovery” – an ATC-DDS initiative
The ATC Drug Discovery & Screening (ATC–DDS) fosters multidisciplinary and translational collaborative seed projects between IP research laboratories and the Core Facility PF-CCB to federate all workforces (biologists and chemists) around Drug Discovery & Screening. Through therapeutic development […]
We are pleased to announce, The first international conference on CK1 PROTEIN KINASES: “FROM CELL SIGNALING TO THERAPEUTIC TARGETS IN HUMAN DISEASE”. The event will take place from February 3rd to February 6, 2025, […]
One-Day GREMI meeting Cells & Inflammation: Live and Let Die!
GREMI (Société Française d’Inflammation organise a One Day meeting on Apoptosis at Institut Pasteur (10th of November 2023). 12 oral communications will be selected among submitted abstracts. Registration fees refunded for selected students […]
“Enjeux politiques de l’antibiorésistance” – Un symposium conjoint Institut Pasteur – Sciences Po
Le Symposium conjoint entre l’Institut Pasteur et Sciences Po se concentrera sur les défis majeurs de l’antibiorésistance et de la gestion des antibiotiques en tant que bien commun. L’événement sera organisé autour de trois […]
Single-Domain Antibodies 2023
The Single-Domain Antibodies 2023 meeting will be the 3rd congress on single-domain antibodies after Nanobodies 2019 in Bonn and Nanobodies 2021 in Brussels. This dedicated congress will allow the scientific community to meet and share the […]
Soutenance d’Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) pour Nicolás RASCOVAN
HDR Defense for Nicolás RASCOVAN Head of the Microbial Paleogenomics G5 Unit Place: Wednesday June 28th at 14h Amphithéâtre AGNES ULLMANN – Batiment Monod, Sous Sol 03 Institut Pasteur, […]
Advanced Light Microscopy Symposium – 26th of October 2023
The Advanced Light Microscopy initiative is organizing a technical symposium involving several microscopy techniques either emerging or identified as lacking awareness from a wider audience. This symposium will take place at the Institut Pasteur […]