Group de Reflexion SIDA (GRS) seminar: “New insights in the regulation of HIV expression and latency”
The meeting will focus on new insights in the regulation of HIV expression and latency. Edouard BERTRAND (IGH, University of Montpellier) will discuss single molecule imaging approaches to visualize HIV transcription in live cells. Roy MATKOVIC (Institut Cochin, […]
Specialized replication mechanisms maintain genome stability at human centromeres
This edition of the Paris Postdoc Seminars at Institut Pasteur will take place Tuesday, 25 June 2024, at 11:00 in the CFJ Auditorium. Teams link available. Abstract Aneuploidy, a condition of karyotype imbalance, is […]
Investigating the effects of prenatal nicotine and THC exposure on cognitive function and placental development in a rat model
This edition of the Paris Postdoc Seminars at Institut Pasteur will take place Tuesday, 21 May 2024, at 11:00 in the François Jacob Auditorium (Jacob Building). Teams link available. Chair: Nastaran Savar Abstract The […]
Uncovering the role of gut microbial factors in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s Disease using human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived immune cells and organoid models
This edition of the Paris Postdocs Seminar Series at Institut Pasteur will take place Tuesday, 26 March 2024, at 11:00 in the Jules Bordet meeting room (Metchnikoff Building). Also available through Teams. Chair: Michiel […]
Nanopore day
An exciting day focusing on Nanopore technology will take place at Institut Pasteur on: Monday 11th of March 2024 It will be a day filled with cutting-edge talks, live demos, and networking opportunities. Explore […]
GG department seminar: Catherine Freudenreich (Tufs U., Medson, USA) ” The dangerous combination of DNA structures and chromosome gaps: implications for repeat instability and cell survival “; Thursday 19 December @ 11.00 am ; Auditorium F. Jacob
Seminar Dept Neuroscience | Michal Schwartz “Brain-immune lymphoid organ communication dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s disease, but is amenable to restoration by immunotherapy”
Charting proliferation and differentiation in the human fetal pancreas
The next series of the Paris Postdoc Seminar Series at Institut Pasteur will take place Tuesday, 19th December 2023, at 11h30 in the Agnes Ullman Amphitheatre (Monod Building). PhD students and Postdocs are welcome […]
G&G PhD Thesis – Dissecting human population variation in single-cell immune responses to viral infection
DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Professor Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro – “Le paludisme Zoonotique à Plasmodium simium”
Le séminaire sera en français
4 X Quart d’heure Pasteur-médecine “CURARES en anesthésie – allergies et thérapies”
Dans la continuité du Quart d’heure Pasteur proposé depuis 2015, la Direction Médicale propose «Le 4xQuart d’heure Pasteur – médecine», temps d’échange au cours duquel des acteurs d’horizons et d’expériences différentes (médecins, chercheurs, épidémiologistes, […]
PhD defense “Développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques contre les virus (ré)émergents et/ou émergents”
PhD defense : Thesis From Viral Origins to Global Dispersion:Exploring Factors That Drive and Sustain Viral Diffusion Over Time
“GG department seminar: Carrie Shaffer (University of Kentucky, USA) ; “New insights into ancient mechanisms underscoring trans-kingdom DNA conjugation” ; Thursday 7 December @ 11.00 am ; Auditorium François Jacob
The Triptych 2024
The departments of Immunology, Cell Biology & Infection and Developmental & Stem Cell Biology gather again this year for a joint scientific event on June 18th, 2024, called The Triptych 2024. The goal is […]