Seminar Dept Neuroscience | Michal Schwartz “Brain-immune lymphoid organ communication dysfunctions in Alzheimer’s disease, but is amenable to restoration by immunotherapy”

Charting proliferation and differentiation in the human fetal pancreas
The next series of the Paris Postdoc Seminar Series at Institut Pasteur will take place Tuesday, 19th December 2023, at 11h30 in the Agnes Ullman Amphitheatre (Monod Building). PhD students and Postdocs are welcome […]

G&G PhD Thesis – Dissecting human population variation in single-cell immune responses to viral infection

DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Professor Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro – “Le paludisme Zoonotique à Plasmodium simium”
Le séminaire sera en français

4 X Quart d’heure Pasteur-médecine “CURARES en anesthésie – allergies et thérapies”
Dans la continuité du Quart d’heure Pasteur proposé depuis 2015, la Direction Médicale propose «Le 4xQuart d’heure Pasteur – médecine», temps d’échange au cours duquel des acteurs d’horizons et d’expériences différentes (médecins, chercheurs, épidémiologistes, […]

PhD defense “Développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques contre les virus (ré)émergents et/ou émergents”

PhD defense : Thesis From Viral Origins to Global Dispersion:Exploring Factors That Drive and Sustain Viral Diffusion Over Time

“GG department seminar: Carrie Shaffer (University of Kentucky, USA) ; “New insights into ancient mechanisms underscoring trans-kingdom DNA conjugation” ; Thursday 7 December @ 11.00 am ; Auditorium François Jacob

The Triptych 2024
The departments of Immunology, Cell Biology & Infection and Developmental & Stem Cell Biology gather again this year for a joint scientific event on June 18th, 2024, called The Triptych 2024. The goal is […]

DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Seminar – Victoria INGHAM “Insecticides and Parasites: Do they interact ?”
Short abstract : Insecticide resistance is now widespread across Africa but the exposure to sublethal insecticides and subsequent impact on the parasite development remains underexplored. In this talk I will discuss some ongoing work […]

Joint Microbiology and Computational Biology departments seminar: Yves Brun (University of Montreal, Canada) “Antimicrobial discovery by artificial intelligence-assisted high throughput microscopy” ; Wednesday 13 December @10.30am ; Agnes Ullman Amphitheater.

Evolution & Biodiversity

PhD thesis defense: Characterization of Disease Mechanisms Underlying Clarin-Mediated Progressive Hearing Loss | Maureen Wentling

IdA / IDV External seminar | Jocelyne Bloch & Grégoire Courtine | Reversing Motor and Autonomic Paralysis
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Auditorium of the Hearing Institut 63 rue de Charenton 75012 Paris __ The organizing committee: Luc Arnal, Jérémie Barral, Brice Bathellier, Nicolas Michalski