DPT Parasites and Insects Vectors Extraordinary Seminar – Professor Cláudio Tadeu Daniel-Ribeiro – “Le paludisme Zoonotique à Plasmodium simium”
Le séminaire sera en français
Le séminaire sera en français
Dans la continuité du Quart d’heure Pasteur proposé depuis 2015, la Direction Médicale propose «Le 4xQuart d’heure Pasteur – médecine», temps d’échange au cours duquel des acteurs d’horizons et d’expériences différentes (médecins, chercheurs, épidémiologistes, […]
The departments of Immunology, Cell Biology & Infection and Developmental & Stem Cell Biology gather again this year for a joint scientific event on June 18th, 2024, called The Triptych 2024. The goal is […]
Short abstract : Insecticide resistance is now widespread across Africa but the exposure to sublethal insecticides and subsequent impact on the parasite development remains underexplored. In this talk I will discuss some ongoing work […]
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Auditorium of the Hearing Institut 63 rue de Charenton 75012 Paris __ The organizing committee: Luc Arnal, Jérémie Barral, Brice Bathellier, Nicolas Michalski
Abstract: Determining which genomic changes are associated with phenotypic innovations is a crucial question in evolutionary biology. In my seminar, I will discuss comparatively the genomic events that took place in two lineages which […]
Abstract: One of the most important virulence characteristics of human pathogenic fungi is their ability to utilize a wide range of carbon and nitrogen sources, which enables the colonization of various host niches and adaptation to rapidly changing environmental conditions. The […]