Bacterial diseases [173]

Surveillance et étude des maladies au retour de voyage dans le cadre du réseau GeoSentinel
Paul-Henri Consigny • Oula Itani

Problèmes de santé chez les travailleurs humanitaires
Paul-Henri Consigny • Ghania Benabdelmoumen

Camille Schneider
Epidemiology and Modelling of Antibacterial Evasion (EMAE)
Camille Schneider has joined Institut Pasteur in November 2023 as a full-time PhD student. She is currently working on the development of tools for the analysis of bacterial outbreaks in humans by combining mathematical modelling, […]

Guillem Mas Fiol

Lulla Opatowski

Rita Azevedo
Rita Azevedo joined as a research engineer in 2022 at Matondo’s Proteomics Platform, Mass Spectrometry for Biology Utechs (MSBio), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France. She is involved in a conjunct project between Institut Pasteur and […]

Anna Both
Chromatin and Infection

Quentin Leclerc
Quentin Leclerc is a mathematical modeller in infectious disease epidemiology at Institut Pasteur and CNAM. He is currently studying the potential impact of vaccination to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in healthcare environments, as part […]

Bacterial responses to antimicrobial stress
Zeynep Baharoglu

Daniel Krentzel
Imaging and Modeling
I am a PhD student in the Imaging and Modeling Unit supervised by Christophe Zimmer. My PhD project aims to develop deep learning methods for antibacterial drug discovery. Previously, I studied Biomedical Engineering at […]

Camille Dos Santos-Toinet
Cellular Biology of Microbial Infection
Currently in my first year of PhD, I’m working on the characterization and optimization of two novel drugs actives against Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Over the past three years, during my work-study program (Bachelor and […]

Institut Pasteur-TheraVectys Joint Laboratory
Pierre Charneau

Cyril Anjou
Group: Isabelle Martin-Verstraete

Federica Palma
CRBIP Project Management Office (CRBIP-PMO)
With a PhD on microbial genomics applied to Food Safety at the University of Bologna (Italy), and a post-doc on genomic surveillance of bacterial foodborne pathogens, Federica PALMA specialised in phenotypic and genotypic characterisation […]

Carolina Nodari
Enteric Bacterial Pathogens
I am Pharmacist from Brazil, with more than 10 years experience in antimicrobial resistance research among gram-negative bacilli. I received my PhD from the Federal University of São Paulo, with a research stay at […]