This course provides an overview of the organizational aspects of a biobank, sample collection, collection, equipment, transport and storage of biological resources.
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Biobanks are entities ensuring the governance, management and conservation of biological resources, such as living cells, viruses, bacteria and fungi, and their associated data. The major objective of biobanks is to preserve these resources in optimal conditions to maintain their integrity and make them available to the scientific community to both advance research and knowledge worldwide, and facilitate the development of innovative drugs, vaccines or diagnostic tests.
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Understand how these biobanks allow end-users to have permanent access to fit-for-purpose samples.
- Know how the long-term storage of samples should be structured
- Be aware of the ethics, regulatory aspects and quality issues behind preservation and distribution of biological resources
- Understand how biobanks are linked throughout the world.
This MOOC is part of the Online Diploma of infectious Diseases of the Institut Pasteur DNM2IP.
Enrollment: From January 5 to May 11, 2023
Course: From March 15 to May 17, 2023
Languages: The videos are in English, with English, French and Spanish subtitles.