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Roadshow Johnson & Johnson Innovation le 22 mai à l’Institut Pasteur, une occasion unique d’échanger avec un partenaire industriel privilégié !
The iGEM 2016 Pasteur Paris Team Presents the Mos(kit)o project at the WHO TDR center.Mathieu Hubert
A lire: Physiological and evolutionary implications of tetrameric photosystem I in cyanobacteriaMuriel Gugger
”SARS-CoV-2 replication and antiviral responses in bat cells”Sophie Aicher
CANCELLED : Fluorescence Microscopy Workshop V on cutting-edge technologies CANCELLEDJulien Fernandes
Dynamics of the vaginal microbiota: insights from mathematical modelling and the PAPCLEAR clinical studyPhilippe Sansonetti
HDR Defense by Sandie MunierSandie Munier
Save the date: “Challenges and new concepts in antibiotics research” under the umbrella of the LabEx IBEIDPhilippe Glaser
Soutenance de Thèse : Impact of microbiota on intestinal stem cells survival after irradiation
Biophysics postdoc position – Dynamics of developmental processesThomas Gregor
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M1-2 internship : Discovering Structure in Connectomes Using Latent Space Kernel EmbeddingAlex Barbier–Chebbah
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Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position in Host Pathogen InteractionsEmmanuel Lemichez
Postdoctoral fellowship in Neuroscience: Mechanisms of temporal coding in the cerebellum