Transplantation [13]
Gérard Socié
Gerard Socié is the head of the graft- hematology departement at hospital Saint-Louis, APHP. Gerard Socié share a unité mixte Institut Pasteur -APHP with Lars Rogge Research Themes : Hematolology, Molecular Oncology, Immunology Main […]
Adult neurogenesis and brain plasticity
Pierre-Marie Lledo
Innate lymphoid cell differentiation
Rachel Golub
ERC-2010-StG LymphocyteContacts
Philippe Bousso
Color image analysis in histology
Vannary Meas-Yedid Hardy
Fabrice Chretien
Stem Cells And Development
Fabrice Chrétien, 43 ans, est médecin, enseignant et chercheur. Il est professeur de médecine (Histologie) à l’université Paris Descartes et chef du service de Neuropathologie à l’hôpital Sainte Anne à Paris. Il dirige l’unité […]
Integrative Neurobiology of Cholinergic Systems
Uwe Maskos
Perception & Action
Pierre-Marie Lledo
David Michonneau
Dynamics of Immune Responses
Franck Coumailleau
Early Mammalian Development & Stem Cell Biology
Françoise Lazarini-Serandour
Perception & Action
My current interests center on (1) the effects of infection and inflammation on olfaction, (2) the role of nasal dysbiosis in Parkinson disease, and (3) the role of adult neurogenesis in olfaction. […]
Uwe Maskos
Integrative Neurobiology of Cholinergic Systems
This is an example of transplanted human iPSC derived cells.